Of course you want to buy the healthiest foods for your family, but it can be very difficult to read all the different food labels on every single thing you buy.  For me personally grocery shopping needs to be done "Supermarket Sweep" style (you know that old game show?)...fast.  I'm a girl on a mission with kids in tow and standing around reading every food label I put in my cart is not an option. 

And even if I did read every food label that still would not tell me if something was GMO or not, it would still leave me guessing.  Here in the United States genetically modified foods are not labeled as such...but there is a little known trick I learned that guarantees the food I buy for my family is GMO free.

There is an amazing new company out there, the first of its kind that guarantees any product they carry is Non-GMO.  They regulate this very heavily and pledge to never carry GMO products.  This is great news as it takes away all the guess work and label analyzing so that I can feel 100% confident we are consuming only healthy non-GMO foods.  This is a really big deal as there is no other store or company that has this pledge and with all the dangerous health risks associated with GMO foods it's a company I am very glad exists.  I know that my kiddos are getting good clean food that their bodies desperately need to grow into healthy adults.

One other thing I really like about them is I can order right online and have it shipped (for free!) to my doorstep which as a busy working mom saves me a ton of time.  They are also so much cheaper than Wholefoods or the organic section at my grocery.  (Just to give you an idea the Gluten free oatmeal I buy at my local grocery is $5.99 a box, the same oatmeal at this store is $3.04!)  So I save money, time, and know without a shadow of a doubt I am feeding my family Non-GMO foods...can you say Super-Mom!!

Click on the picture above to check them out, or click here, I know you will be just as impressed as I am!

The Green Polkadot Box
Natural and Organic foods.  Of course you know they are better but healthy organic food can be expensive.  I know as a working mom of 2 small children I want to give their little bodies the highest quality food but also stick to our budget.

What if I told you there was a new buying club in town (like a Bj's or Costco) that only had healthy organic food and offered Natural and Organic Foods up to 60% off?  Plus they were giving away memberships for a limited time until November 1st (membership will start at $50 on November 2).   You might be thinking what's the catch?  Well, there is none.  I was REALLY skeptical when I first heard about it, but after doing a ton of research found that it's actually really amazing and I am ditching my BJ's membership (It's perfect timing as my membership is up for renewal next month!) in exchange for this free membership. 

I couldn't keep this sweet find to myself.  Click on the link below to find out more info and become a FREE member ($50 value), remember free membership is only until November 1st so don't delay! 

To Your Health!